Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Asus U36 Notebook Terbaru Tertipis Dunia dengan Tebal 19 Mm saja

Ada yang taw nggak ?? Asus baru-baru ini meluncurkan laptop tertipis di dunia .. bayanghkan tebelnya cuma 19 mili aja .. wiiih .. tipis amat ... gg takut rusak ketindihan tuh ?? hhe .. tipis-tipis begini, laptop ini berproccesor intel bervoltase standar .. bayangkan .. kebanyakan laptop kecil hanya memiliki prosesor dengan voltase rendah .. wih .. Kali ini Asus benar-benar menciptakan suatu teknologi yang mantabbb ..

U36 Asus menawarkan prosesor tegangan standar Intel Core i3 atau Core i5 untuk performa yang mantap. Hal ini mungkin berkat teknologi desain dual pipe heat karya Asus yang efektif membuang panas dari CPU tanpa menambahkan banyak ruang.

Dengan case bodi terbuat dari ultra-aluminium shell magnesium alloy dan baterai 4-sel, U36 Asus beratnya hanya 1.44kg. lapisan unik dengan sentuhan lembut nanometer menolak kotoran dan air juga, yang berarti Asus U36 akan selalu menjaga penampilannya yang bersih dan ramping. jadi gimana nih ?? pengen banget punya ni laptop .. tpi ane lebih suka ma laptop tipe Alien Ware yang khusus wat gamerzz coz ane juga gamerzz hhe .. udahan dulu ya topik ni .. selamat membaca dan melihat ^^

Sekolah selama semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2010/2011

Ehm .. gini pak .. sebenernya saya selama semester ganjil ini kurang sreg dengan kelas billingual .. kenapa ?? karena saya merasa kelas billingual ni terlalu banyak masalah .. contohnya seperti adanya maling di kelas .. permusuhan dengan sesama angkatan .. dan masi bnyak yg lain pak .. gini pak .. ni menyangkut anak-anak perempuan kelas billingual .. waktu dhuhur mereka selalu mengingatkan anak cowok wat pergi ke masjid .. tapi mereka sendiri malah sholat di kelas .. waktu saya tegur .. mereka malah bilang dengan santai "aku males ke masjid .." itu satu yang saya tidak suka dari kelas billingual .. selain itu ada lagi .. yaitu menyangkut beberapa guru di kelas .. pak insan salah satunya pak .. gmana ya ngejelasinnya .. pak insan itu kalo ngajar terlalu gmana gitu pak .. saya jadi susah buat memahami materi yang beliau sampaikan .. pak pur juga .. sama kasusnya seperti pak insan .. selain itu .. saya juga nggak terlalu suka pak sama pak hamim .. pak hamim itu ada apa-apa dikit aja selalu main tangan ... saya dan beberapa teman saya pernah kena pak .. saya ceritain salah satu pak .. waktu itu saya masih kelas 1 dan saya masih berada di kelas OLIM .. bapak taw Ardhan kan ??? Ardhan saat itu belum mendapat baju batik dari koperasi .. saat dia datang ke sekolah, pak hamim mencegat Ardhan .. trus bertanya kenapa kok Ardhan tidak memakai baju seragam batik ?? saat Ardhan mau menjelaskan .. dia ditampar sama pak hamim tanpa mau menyadari kebenarannya pak .. padahal Ardhan sudah mendapatkan surat dari koperasi .. lalu Ardhannya mengajak pak hamim ke koperasi .. dan di koperasi pak hamim dijelaskan kalau memang itu kesalahan koperasi bahwa ardhan belom mndapat bajunya .. lalu pak hamim hanya meminta maaf tanpa bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dilakukannya pada ardhan pak .. aduh pak .. saya cerita segini dlu aja ya .. kebanyakan klo mo cerita yang lainnya lagi .. hhe .. ^^

UAS TIK tahun Ajaran 2010

aduh pak .. kok soalnya susah-susah ya ??? soal-soalnya yang keluar diluar perkiraan semua .. gmana ya ngejelasinnya .. gini pak .. klo ngambil soal dari banyak sumber tuh emang bagus .. cuma, bapak juga harus bisa mengetahui kemampuan tiap-tiap anak .. mungkin ada yang bisa mendapatkan semua sumber-sumber tersebut .. tapi kan juga ada anak-anak yang nggak bsa menemukan semua sumber-sumber tersebut .. dan juga ada soal yang mencolok sekali kesalahannya .. dimana penemu blogger  tu sebenernya Pyra Labs .. tapi bapak menuliskan jawaban tu Evan Williams .. sedangkan Evan Williams tu Co-foundernya blogger .. disitu kesalahan bapak .. juga di beberapa soal yang menyangkut alamat website .. contohnya Counterflag .. alamat counterflag tu nggak semua anak tahu dan juga nggak semua anak memakai counterflag kan pak di blognya .. sedangkan alamat web di jawaban membingungkan seperti memakai s02 , s03 atau s05 ...nah disini saya hanya ingin memberi saran .. baiknya kalo bapak membuat soal sendiri .. tidak mengambil soal anak-anak .. bisa membuat anak-anak untuk membantu bapak membuat soal .. tetapi juga harus disesuaikan dengan kemampuan anak-anak .. jangan mentang-mentang soal bagus langsung diambil .. hhe .. gitu dlo ja deh pak .. maaf kalo ad kata-kata saya yang menyinggung perasaan bapak ..

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Bunkface : Band Indie Malaysia ???

Band yang beranggotakan Sam (Vocal, Guitar), Paan (Lead Guitar), Youk (Bass) Mulai terbentuk pada 2005 di Klang, Selangor. Semula dari empat teman sekolah yang bersama-sama sekolah di SMK Sri Andalas. Nama "Bunkface" berasal dari ide mantan drummer mereka, Biak, yang meminjam kata dari salah satu lagu sum41's "Crazy Amanda Bunkface". Band ini bernuansa Alternative Rock, Pop Punk, Pop Rock & Electro Pop. Lagu-lagu Bunkface yang populer adalah Bunk Anthem, Situasi, Silly Lily, High School Rocker, Tired Mission, Revolusi, Fine, Land of Hope, Last Minute, Hyper Killer, Our Way, Prom Queen, Throgh My Window, dan yang terbaru adalah Ekstravaganza.

Pada Bulan maret 2006, Bunkface memenangkan juara pertama dalam kompetisi band yang diselenggarakan oleh Rythm of the Third World (ROTTW), sebuah majalah musik malaysia. Bunkface punya fitur majalah pertama mereka melalui acara ini, dan kemudian didekati oleh, sebuah komunitas musik Malaysia online, yang menawarkan mereka untuk mensponsori klip video untuk mereka. Barulah pada akhir 2006 ketika mereka berpartisipasi dalam acara TV Blastoff hit bahwa mereka akhirnya menarik perhatian publik.

Pada bulan Desember 2007, Bunkface merilis EP pertama mereka berjudul ":Lesson of the Season", yang menampilkan 6 lagu bahasa Inggris, mencampur rock suara pop-punk/alternative. Lagu hit "Silly Lily" adalah nomor 1 di 's Top Sepuluh Malaysia selama 8 minggu dan nomor 1 di' s Campur Chart selama 10 minggu. Single melayu pertama Bunkface  menyerbu ke nomor 1 di XFresh FM dan terus tinggal di nomor 3 pada Era FM selama 3 minggu.

Bunkface memenangkan Rockstar, Break Out serta The Ultimate Shout! Penghargaan di Shout perdana! Penghargaan yang diselenggarakan oleh 8TV dan dimiliki untuk pertama kalinya di Stadion Bukit Jalil. prestasi mereka pada penghargaan menarik kepentingan penyelenggara Satu Gerakan Untuk Musik Perth (OMFM), yang kemudian mengundang mereka untuk tampil di festival yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 16 sampai tanggal 18 Oktober 2009. Hal ini ditandai kali pertama mereka tampil di luar negeri di Australia.

Pada bulan Maret 2010, Bunkface merilis debut album penuh mereka, Phobia palsu. Phobia palsu terdiri dari 6 lagu bahasa Inggris dan 4 lagu Melayu. Hal ini termasuk single hit mereka seperti "Situasi", "Revolusi", "Prom Queen" dan "Soldier". Ada yang berminat pada band ini ?? silahkan langsung saja mendownload lagu-lagu yang telah disebutkan diatas .. dijamin gg rugi !! V^^

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Nikah di Perfect World ???

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
  • pernikahan hanya bisa dilaksanakan antara 1 karakter Pria dan 1 karakter Wanita.
  • Kedua karakter tersebut harus mempunyai Level di atas 20.
  • Selanjutnya buatlah Grup yang hanya terdiri dari kedua karakter tersebut dan temui
    NPC Kakek Penghulu (522 655) di Kota Naga Barat.
  • Sang Pria harus membawa 1 Limestone Mark, didapat dari Groom's Package ,
    bisa dibeli di Item Mall.
  • Sang Wanita harus membawa 1 Eternal Silk, didapat dari Bride's Package ,
    bisa dibeli di Item Mall.
  • Jika semua syarat sudah terpenuhi, maka Ketua Grup dapat menyelesaikan Quest dari
    NPC Kakek Penghulu dan kedua mempelai tersebut akan terikat dalam sebuah janji pernikahan disertai dengan Broadcast ke seluruh penjuru Perfect World ^0^

Keuntungan yang didapat :

  • Tambahan Info di atas nama karakter seperti "Suami AngelWar" atau "Istri Warrior99"
  • Quest "Crazy Stone" tambahan jika membawa Wedding Plaque di Inventory.

Wedding Plaque : Tukarkan 6 Wedding Wine di NPC Kakek Penghulu (522 655),
Wedding Plaque juga bisa dibeli melalui Item Mall

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Malem minggu enaknya ngapaen ??

eh .. agan2 .. menurut kalian malem mingguan tu gmana enaknya ?? apa kloar ma temen2 nongkrong dmana gtu ?? or kloar ama pacar tercinta ?? ato ndekem aja di rumah ?? pilihan terakhir tu paling ngenes bgt~ .. akwakwkawk :P

gmana enggak?? klo malem minggu gg bole kmana2 harus drumah tros ?? bosen kan?? enak kloar ma temen2 nongkrong2 dmna gtu .. hhe.. ato bwat yg uda punya pacar diajak kemana gitu pacarnya .. (ampun pak gustiii .. >.<) hhe ..

klo ane gan ga boleh kemana2 hiks .. T.T bolenya cma mpe jam 9 doank gan .. ngenes bgt kan .. T.T padal pengen kumpul brg anak2 makan mie sarap yg super duper pedes mpe bikin tencrem (lebay bgt :p) tros ngopi ma ngobrol gtu .. kan seru hhe .. XD

agan2 yg di malang khususnya .. ad tempat yg baek gg wat nongkrong?? klo ad dmana n harganya yg terjangkau aja lah wat nak sma hhe .. klo ad patut dicoba tuh .. mnta saran dong gan .. biar ma nak2 bsa ksana .. akwakwkakwak :p

yaw uda gan2 .. selamat menikmati malem minggu ni n moga2 malem minggu kalian menyenangkan ya .. ^^

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

ada yg maen PB juga kah ??

agan2 ad yg maen PB juga gag disini ?? khususnya wat daerah malang raya ane tawarin masuk klan ane ... biasanya maen brg di EVG 2 .. klo mnat lngsung hub : 085736009537 gan ..

ane masi ucup gan .. masi diamond 3 petik 2 .. uda 3 bulanan vakum soalnya gan .. gg da uang wat maen >.< ad yg minat nyumbang gg gan ?? wkwkwkwkwk .. :p

minat gabung daftar ja ke klan first kiss + hub no HP diatas .. nanti coba diliat dlo maennya .. klo bagus langsung dikontrak gan .. (kayak pemain bola aja .. :p) butuh anggota yang pro gan .. ok ??

ngomong2 ni gan .. ane jadi males maen PW neh .. coz selaen gg da temennya ane juga gg da uang wat bli amu .. coz assasin bondonya bnyak gan .. coba ja pke assasin dijamin kere gan bli pot molo .. akwkawkakwkawk :p

terakhir ne gan .. klo ad yg mnat char PW PR lvl 66 emas lngsung hubungi aja .. ketemuan + serius only .. butuh cepet gan ... ok ?? thx gan .. ^^

Selasa, 28 September 2010


aduh .. Lucky Box ilang lagi jadi mahal deh T.T masa ngilang molo .. GM gmana nee ??

eh .. ad yg mnat J> Phyton/Panda in RP ga ?? klo ad brapa ??
info ditunggu ya gan ... bales lewat komen ja ..

oh ya .. da yg maen di sever aer ga ?? klo ad buat G bareng yuk .. biar rame n ad temennya hhe .. ^^
sepi nih di aer g da temennya males maen jadinya .. huft -.-

N> ketemuan ja wat bli2 ato maen brg (biar nambah temen hhe .. :p) ane masi SMA klas 2 agan2 .. jadi yg mnat ketemuan wat nambah temen lngsung ja hubungi ane .. mule dari TK mpe udah kakek2 ane terima .. akwakwkawkakwak V^^

ya uda gitu dlo ja deh gan .. makasi yg uda liat ni Posting .. hhe .. ^^

- You Can't Fly Without a Dream !!! -

Minggu, 26 September 2010

About server air ..

wah .. di server air sekarang agak sepi agan2 .. coz pada bnyak yg pindah ke server baru .. yoi !! apalagi klo bukan server tanah .. ==a tapi tetep semangat gan wat maen di server aer .. coz dah da Guild yg nyaman + org2nya enak ..

wat info ja di server aer nick ane DraciaLou Level masi ucup gan .. masi level 43 job assasin ..
huff .. ane gg bsa cerita bnyak2 gan coz gg da yg seru .. ==a

tapi ane punya pengalaman menarik gan .. selama lvl 1 mpe 30an ane ngelawan momon bos gg pake dibantu (kecuali bos FB) gmana?? asik kan gan??? hhe .. :)

klo bos FB sih mana kuat ane .. nyawa kayak paan mpe ratusan ribu bahkan mpe jutaan klo yg level gede .. huft .. ==a

nah .. ane juga perna bantu FB pas dapet pasien cacad abies >.< masa udah dibilangin tunggu sini malah ngacir kloar goa .. ==a cacad abis gg tuh ?? hhe ..

udah dlo ah gan .. capek nulis ane .. wkwkwkwkk .. sasaji gan !

Minggu, 19 September 2010

Lebaran Kemaren Gimanakah ??

Aduh gan .. ternyata lebaran ane kemaren gg seru-seru amad .. --a
gimana maw seru kalo lebaran cuma 1 hari ?? wah .. jadi gini ceritanya ..

malem sebelon hari H ane ma kluarga brangkat ke madiun abis maghrib n'
ternyata mpe sana malem jam stengah 12 .. ahirnya ane gg tidur tros idupin
laptop deh di rumah kakek .. mpe jam stengah lima ane maen leptop ..
tros dah disuruh mandi wat sholat .. --a

singkat ceritanya neh .. abis sholat id n' makan2 .. tros keliling n' sholat jum'at ..
bis sholat jum'at brgkat lagi ke SBY --a
tepar lama-lama ane gan .. tros malemnya udah balik ke malang .. fyuh =o=

liburan juga ane gg kemana2 cuma tidur bangun ke warnet makan buka leptop ..
kamisnya doank ane futsal ma anak-anak .. --a

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Maintenance 31 agustus 2010

Halo Dewa-Dewi,
Manual Patch untuk Update Item Mall: Genie Luckybox sudah dapat diDownload dari sekarang.
Untuk Download Manual Patch silahkan link berikut

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010


Territory wars

The land of Pangu is divided into a large number of territories. Each territory is worth a certain amount of ingame coin, and have the potential to be owned by a certain faction/guild. The players of the guild owning the territory will receive a weekly "ransom" from the game, which includes a coin amount. This amount varies based on the worth of the territory dominated.

Benefits of owning territory includes free teleportation within that dominated territory as well as the aforementioned coin ransom. When a Faction wishes to dominate a given territory, there is a bidding war that takes place. This bidding begins on Wednesdays and the wars take place on scheduled time slots over the weekend. When a player wants to take over an area, his guild will have to bid on the area, the guild with the highest bid will fight the current owners for ownership.

When attempting to take a previously unowned land, a guild must bid on the territory. In the case of multiple bids, the guild with the highest bid will win. If a guild already owns territory, they are only allowed to bid on territory that borders their current territory. If not, any territory is available for a guild to attack. In the event of a war, players contact an NPC called the battle coordinator, available in each of the major capitals, after which the player is transported to an instance. Flying and mounts are usable in these instances, though there is a height restriction.

Faction vs. Faction

When trying to take the area from another faction a player has to partake in battles engaging up to 80 players per side. Territory battles are very similar to DotA (Defense of the Ancients) in that there are two bases and two guilds, and a certain stretch of area between the two bases. Each base contains a "headquarters crystal", which is the object of defence for the faction owning the base, and the object of attack for the opposing faction. The territory war ends when either faction's crystal has been completely destroyed. The war can last a maximum for 3 hours. Within three hours, if neither crystal has been destroyed, the side defending their territory wins. Strategy in said wars includes a large number of implements:
Catapults can be purchased by the leader or officers of the faction, using in game coin. Catapults become vital in the takeover of the base and subsequent destruction of the crystal, as they are capable of dealing high amounts of damage. Catapults are run by and follow established catapult squads. They can be aimed at and used to destroy turrets and the crystal, and have a set number of hit points. The opposing side can choose to destroy the catapult by attacking it, or, if they choose to, can kill the leader of the squad, which sends the catapult, along with the leader back to their base.
Turrets are towers that can be purchased and set up by the leader or officers of the faction to surround the base. These turrets automatically attack members of the opposing side when they become in range, and become the primary method of defence. Turrets can be destroyed and also have a set number of hit points.

Faction vs. Instance

In the event that a faction wishes to take over a territory previously unoccupied, the players will engage in combat with a large host of monsters and a number of bosses that will spawn in the area. The area must be cleared of said obstacles within the three hour time limit for victory. Turrets and catapults are not used in this case, and the battle ground holds to normal PVE rules.


The mount system in Perfect World allows players to ride a pet mount as a means of quickly traveling across the world. Available mounts common to all servers are regular horses, panthers, leopards, raptors, and elephants. There are rare mounts obtained through the Dragon Seeker Quest. Mounts can also be purchased at the Item Mall by converting real money into in-game zen. Upon reaching level 30, players can obtain a free class flying mount from a quest. Humans receive a Gliding Heavens Sword, Winged Elves get Eagle Wings, Untamed obtain Wave Pacer and Tideborns are given Green Vertigos.


Players have the ability to express themselves through their in-game characters by dying clothing. These clothes can be bought from the item mall or from other players.


Guilds in Perfect World are known as factions and enable chat between members, creation of faction emblems (16x16 jpeg or gif files), faction versus faction battles, and control of cities.
Members also can be assigned certain jobs within the faction structure. The Leader and Director can create and alter rules and slogans of the faction, member ranks, and dismiss or invite members. Marshals can invite and promote members. Executors can invite members, while Commissioners are the basic rank forcommon members. There can only be 1 Leader and Director, up to 4 Marshals, and up to 12 Executors.
There are three levels a faction can be:
Level 1 - The cost for starting a level one faction is 100,000 in game coins. This is the starting level for factions, it has a player cap of 50 and the faction can be disbanded by the Leader.
Level 2 - This costs 2 million in game coins, the major changes are an increase in the player cap to 100 and it is no longer possible to disband the faction.
Level 3 - This is the final level a faction can reach, it costs an extra 10 million to move from level 2 to 3, the change this time is an increase to 200 player cap and the ability to change the faction symbol on the PWI website.


Players can select and raise four different crafting skills. Blacksmithing (creates weapons), Tailoring (creates armor), Crafting (creates various jewelry and arrows), and Apothecary (creates potions and hierograms). Players will need materials for items they need to make. Crafted items will have the player's name adorned on them for the purpose of credit. Crafted items sometimes have an extra bonus on them like +def or +atk and so on.
Items are crafted from materials that can be farmed and spawn all over Pangu. Special forge weapons (Legendary weapons) require a mold and specific materials to craft. Molds are dropped (rarely) from specific bosses, making legendary weapons extremely valuable and often rare.

Marriage System

Perfect World has a complete marriage system. Both players will have an online notice, have a wife/husband title, have 2 special marriage-related skills, lover's clothes, and driving pets. Marriage requires two items for the bride and groom from the Cash Shop which are $30 each (30 gold in game) in Perfect World item shop currency. It is possible to divorce a spouse at the cost of 2 million in game coins to the person who initiates it. There is said to be quests unique only to married couples that was released in the Tideborn expansion of Winter, 2009.

Phone Lock

As a prevention system against account hackers, Perfect World has a Phone Lock feature for those who wish to use it. The Phone Lock, when activated, will freeze an account until the player of that account dials in using the registered phone number. Once the number is recognized, the account is temporarily activated for login. The player must login within 10 minutes of activation before the account login is frozen again. The player may continue to play despite the freeze. If the player logs out after the 10 minutes are up, that player must once again dial in to temporarily deactivate the Phone Lock. The phone lock feature is exclusive to the Chinese Malaysian version of the game.


Genie skills - Skill are attained via the Watcher of the Earth. Once a Genie meets the required Affinity Points, the player has to speak with the Watcher of the Earth and select "Learn Genie Skills". Learning skills will require a combination of Spirit and coins. By default, a Genie can learn a maximum of 4 skills. A player can increase the maximum number of skills his Genie can learn by gaining enough Lucky Points (a random 1 to 10 Lucky Points are gained every 10 Genie levels). Genie abilities will consume a Genie's Energy and Stamina. Genie's can forget skills via the Watcher of the Earth at no cost.
Genie Trade - A genie can be traded amongst players after they have been converted into TRADE READY state. Click the Trade State button in the Genie interface menu in order to access this feature. It will take 7 days to convert a Genie into to TRADE READY state. By default, a Genie is set to NO-Trade state. In this state, the Genie cannot be traded, sold, or discarded.
Genie Equipment - Players can buy equipment for their Genies from the Watcher of the Earth. Genie Equipment includes Jades, Mirrors, Orbs, and Charms. Once equipped, Genie equipment can no longer be de-equipped; it can only be destroyed or replaced. Destroying and replacing Genie equipment is also done through the Watcher of the Earth.
Genies are known as Fairies in the Malaysian version of Perfect World.

Races and classes

Perfect World features four races, each with two exclusive classes, bringing the total of eight classes that players can choose from. Each race has unique characteristics, begin in different areas of Pangu, and undertake different quests.

Humans are the primary race in the northern realms of Pangu, with the main settlement being the city of Etherblade (Sword City). Humans have no innate abilities, but fly with the aid of magical weapons. Players choosing a Human character can pick between the melee-oriented blademaster class, or the mage-type wizard class. The human race receives Aerogear (a flying sword) at level 30 which allows them to fly.

  • Blademasters (Wu Xia) are the most versatile of classes in terms of weapons wielding. They can use a variety of melee weapons, including swords, spears, hammers, fists and axes, though most choose to specialize in one. At higher levels, Blademasters can choose to alternate between all the above listed weapons for a large array of Aoe, stun, and seal skills that are often specific to the mastery each weapon. Blademasters are rounded characters that are nonetheless able to perform in the role of a tank by enhancing their physical defence. They have a secondary healing skill that can be used in emergency situations (because of slow cool down rate), though only on themselves. Blademasters usually act as a secondary tank, backing up the Barbarian primary tank. Blademaster is one of the most popular classes ingame. Having high physical defence and medium magic defence gives an excellent usage for dungeon runs, when patience runs low and players often resort to engaging multiple monsters. Having area stunning attacks gives it a high possibility to survive when attacked by higher level monsters. Their buffs include a physical defence enhancement spell.
  • Wizards (Fa Shih) function as nukers, using a variety of elemental spells to deal a large amount of damage. Wizards have very low physical defense but they do have a strong elemental defense. They wear arcane robes, and have a large array of magic skills, including seal and push skills. They have, throughout the game only one CD (continuous damage) aoe. They also have a healing spell that may be used over a period of time in emergency situations, Though it is not ideal for prolonged use, as its effectiveness is low, and has a long casting period. Their buffs include a water damage enhancement spell. Wizards are considered the strongest end-game class, with the ability to one-shot archers and clerics.
Winged Elves live mainly in the southern areas of Pangu, and in their chief/capital City of Plume (Feather City). Winged Elf characters are distinguished by a small pair of wings on their heads, and all Winged Elf characters can fly from the very beginning of the game, though at the cost of mana until they receive a new set of wings at level 30 which consume nothing. Characters of this race can choose to be an Archer or a Cleric.
  • Archers ( Yu Mang ) are ranged characters using bows, crossbows and slingshots. Archers excel at doing damage at distance, but struggle with close combat due to damage penalties and weak defense. Archers are valued for their large damage dealing range, and though they have a low number of hit and mana points, excel at dealing critical hits, as a higher dexterity gives them a larger crit rate, increasing the chance that they will deal as much as twice the amount of damage they normally do. Archers spells include a large array of stun, poison, seal, and Aoe skills. The primary archer aoe skill is also a Continuous damage skill, though unlike that of the wizard's, it can be used at range. Their buff includes speed and evasion enhancement.
  • Clerics ( Yu Ling ) fulfill the traditional role of party healer, providing party buffs but also have good combat abilities along with a strong elemental defense. At higher levels, clerics can become (among venomancers and barbarians) one of the most powerful soloers of the game. Though at lower levels, clerics struggle due to low defence and medium magic damage, damage potential increases along with the level. A cleric's buffs are ideal for any dungeon party, and provide strong bonuses in attack, defense, and mana/health regeneration. A cleric has a medium host of damage spells, including a powerful metal damage aoe. They are the only mage type class that can deal high physical damage by way of spells. Clerics specialize in a large array of powerful curses, including ranged stun, seal, and defense debuffs. They also own a skill that purifys all negative effects on players.
Untamed are intelligent beings, evolved from animals living in the west of Pangu and in their chief/capital City of the Lost (Beast City). Untamed characters can transform into animals to increase their defences and unlock special abilities, or remain in intelligent form for a larger variety of skills and can use flying beasts at Level 30. The Untamed classes are Barbarian and Venomancer.
  • Barbarians ( Yao Shou ) are designed to act as the party tank, with a high amount of hit points and skills that enhance their ability to absorb damage. Barbarians have a high physical defense but have a very low resistance to elemental attacks. The barbarian's avatar must be male, and have a wereanimal appearance throughout the game. Their large range of aoe skills and capability to hold aggro effectively makes them ideal for tanking in all dungeon runs, though their damage capability is low. Barbarians traditionally pair with clerics to form a well built squad in most missions/quests. Their characteristic tiger animal form unlocks a host of aggro and damage absorption skills. Their buffs include a max hp increase and physical attack increase buff.
  • Venomancers (Yao Jing) use a large array of elemental spells, specializing in poison(wood) magic. They also own a myriad of damage over time skills. Their key ability in PvE is taming and using pets in battle. Venomancers become ideal in any dungeon squad and fulfill the traditional role of luring, and sometimes tanking. While in PvP situations their main role is to debuff and to use high-damage pets to attack. Due to their ability to tame pets, Venomancers are one of the most powerful soloers in game. A Venomancer is also versatile in its use with its characteristic fox animal form, which unlock a host of damage dealing and purging spells. They are characterized by a pair of animal ears and a tail, and hold a human form throughout the game otherwise. The Venomancer's avatar must be female.
Tideborn are born from the depths of the seas. They are part of the Perfect World Rising Tide expansion, and are described as a lost race that has risen again. They can transform into fish form, unlocking melee skills and increasing swim speed. Their race dominates the far southeastern islands and in their capital city, City of the Raging Tides. At level 30, this race receives a pair of tideborn wings that allow them to fly.
  • Assassins primarily focus on close quarter physical damage, they wear light armor and are more agile than Blademasters and Barbarians. Their primary weapon is the dagger, and they, like archers have a high critical hit rate due to increased dexterity. They are characterized by their medium hit points and high melee damage capability. Though a powerful soloing class, owning a few healing spells similar to those of the blademaster, they are not ideal in most dungeon squads. This is because of their potential to take aggro from the primary tank and cause confusion/complications. This race has two paths: Shadow Shroud and Blood Bath
  • Psychics wear arcane robes, and use soul spheres as their weapons. Like wizards, they are nukers, with a variety of curse spells that deal devastating damage. It is said that soul spheres are formed by absorbing energy from defeated spirits. They have very low psychical defence and hit points. Despite these setbacks, psychics are host of a large variety of buffs, where hit potential is increased at the cost of defence, and vice versa. They also have a devastating reflect skill, which reflects all damage, ranged or melee. This race has two paths: Soul Force and Chain of Souls.

Perfect World : The Most Popular MMORPG in the World

Perfect World (Chinese: 完美世界, commonly abbreviated as PW and W2), is an MMORPG developed by Beijing Perfect World. It has been released in several different areas in different versions already. The Malaysian version has now been released worldwide in an English-language format. Perfect World International opened its teaser site on July 15, 2008, and launched its closed beta August 19, 2008. The open beta began on September 2, 2008. The International Version is specifically built to accommodate North America. The Multilanguage Service version 'had' aimed at the European players, closed and open beta started in 2008. Perfect World Korea began its beta test in August 2007. Open beta ran through most of September 2007.
Perfect World is heavily based on Chinese mythology, and is set in the mythical world of Pangu. The simulated day and night, and flight is a key component in exploring the game world.
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